Abstract Research Day Form
Wayne State University
Department of Internal Medicine
Fifteenth Annual Resident Research Day
April 17, 2009
Call for Abstracts
Please download the Word template and type or cut/paste abstract into the document. Please use a 12 point Arial font, and limit your abstract to one page. After the document is filled out, you may upload it to this page. Abstracts submitted where text exceeds one page will not be considered.
1. Complete all of the fields within the form
2. Click on the "word template" link to open the abstract form. Fill in all the areas of the abstract template form and save to your computer.
3. Click "browse" at the bottom of this page and find your saved document and click open to attach.
4. When the form has been filled out and your document is attached please hit submit.
Your information will be sent directly to Tammy Lee.